The list I am about to share with you contains the best Skyrim Special edition mods for PC in 2019. Skyrim is an infinitely playable game; it was launched on 11/11/11 and since then it has been relaunched as Special Edition on Xbox One/PS4/PC and in VR version on PlayStation VR. Nintendo’s portable console, the Switch, also received Skyrim, making it one of the most ambitious ports of this console generation.
Everything in Skyrim can be changed, removed or made better, simply by using mods. So whether you’re planning to play Skyrim for the first time or the 40th time, you’ll find a mod suitable for your need on this list.
I have distributed the best PS4 Skyrim mods in different categories. You can either use all the mods in one category or use a few of them. It doesn’t matter if you’re planning on improving the graphics, combat or the environment, you’ll find something in this list of Skyrim SE mods.
How To Install Skyrim Mods?
It is quite easy to install PS4 Skyrim mods. First, you need to boot up the game and then in the main menu follow these steps.
1. Select mods in the main starting menu
2. Create an account at using an e-mail
3. The menu screen will appear to tell you that trophies are disabled while using mods
4. Then you’ll be taken to the mods menu.
5. Select the Mod you want in the game by pressing the ‘X’ button on the PS4 controller
6: Click on download
and you’re done.
Before we begin towards knowing which mods to download for Skyrim PS4, you also need to know about the ‘Load Order.’ The ‘Load Order’ in the game dictates which Skyrim SE mods will be loaded first in the game and which one will be loaded last.
Most of the mods on the Skyrim PS4 don’t need to be set in a particular load order unless stated otherwise. So simply download the Mods you want, go back into the main menu and start the game. All of the mods will most likely work fine.
However, if you do want to manually set up your load order, then arrange them in descending order in terms of file size.
The Sony PS4 is kind of restricted in terms of Mods. Sony does not allow modders to import external assets into the game. This is why the variety of mods is kind of limited, but it is still better than having no mods at all.
10 Best Skyrim Mods PS4
1. Realm of Lorkhan – Alternate Life Mod PS4

On Xbox One and PC, Alternate Life mods allow players to start their adventure in Skyrim in any way they want. These mods give the player the freedom to avoid a “Helgen start” and land anywhere else in Skyrim. You could wake up in an abandoned ship, or a forest and just choose to go anywhere from there without triggering the main quest.
These mods provide infinite replayability to the game and open up new game possibilities. There was no Alternate Life mod available on the Skyrim SE PS4 until the Realm of Lorkhan mod arrived. The mod starts the game from an unknown realm and after character customization, the player is dropped in any one of the locations available in the realm. This Skyrim mod is a must-have for PS4 owners to get the most out of their Skyrim experience.
2. Forests of Skyrim

The forest area of Vanilla Skyrim looks quite thin to be lore-friendly. Forests of Skyrim fixes that issue on the PS4. It increases the number of trees in the game by a healthy amount. This mod changes the experience of the game as you finally get the feeling of getting lost in a mythical forest. If you prefer a Gothic atmosphere then you can download the Dark Forests of Skyrim for a darker undertone. It is one of the best Skyrim special edition mods that you can install for PS4.

3. Rustic Weathers And Lighting

Rustic Weathers And Lighting is an ENB mod that changes the lighting and color of the game. The mod shifts the color tone from vibrant to a bit dull. Everything in the game looks as if it has been covered in a greyish silhouette. The mod also increases the intensity of Blizzards and rainstorms to make Skyrim feel more of a harsh place. The mod also makes the rain act much more realistic. The rainfall starts slowly, then increases the intensity, and then again slows down.
4. Natural Lightning Aesthetic

On the list of Skyrim Special edition mods, you need to include the Natural Lighting Aesthetic mod on PS4. This mod is an environmental mod that improves the overall lighting, makes the weather more dynamic, while also improving in-game character appearance. The NLA adds a natural-looking ENB to the game which looks lore-friendly and also makes the water surface more reflective. Aside from these changes, the NLA also adds more trees within cities and their surrounding areas to make the world of Skyrim more immersive.
5. The Great Cities

The Vanilla cities in Skyrim don’t look as epic as their rich history. The Great Cities Skyrim Special edition mod on PS4 improves the existing cities of Dawnstar, Dragon Bridge, Falkreath, Morthal, Rorikstead, and Winterhold. New additions to the above cities seamlessly blend in with the lore of the game. The mod also installs a number of new shops in locations that were previously without any merchants. For example, the General goods store has been added to the cities of Dawnstar and Morthal while a Blacksmith is placed at Dragon Bridge and Winterhold respectively. This mod does not alter other cities like Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun, and Windhelm.
6. Enhanced Aqua Blue Water

Most of the rivers in Vanilla Skyrim look quite dull. The water looks like a dull greyish stream. Thankfully, the Enhanced Aqua Blue Water Skyrim Special Edition mod is here to fix that. The mod turns the greyish looking water into lively aqua blue, which makes the rivers and streams quite pleasing to look at. There are no performance issues while using this mod and it works well with other Skyrim Special edition mods.
7. Realistic Fire

This is an immersion mod that acts as an in-game fire act similar to how it would in real life. In Skyrim, your player is immune to the pit-fire placed in several taverns and bars. This mod removes that immunity and makes your players vulnerable to fire pits. This mod is for those people who want an immersive experience.
8. 350+ NPCs Converted To PC Presets

This Skyrim Special edition mod introduces a variety of presets in the character creation menu while also improving the overall look of a ton of NPC characters. There are hardly any mods that affect the looks of the characters in the game, so this mod is a blessing, to say the least. Unlike some of the hyper-aggressive mods that turn Skyrim characters into Anime, none of the characters will look out of place with this mod.
9. Epic Realistic Enchantment Effects

This mod makes enchantments on different weapons in Skyrim look realistic. If your weapon deals fire damage then it’ll have flames around it all the time, if deals frost damage then it’ll be soaked in a layer of ice. This mod makes the magical weapon look the part and you should definitely get it to enhance your Skyrim experience on PS4.
10. Enhanced Console Graphics

Enhanced Console Graphics improves the visuals of the game without causing any significant effect in performance. This mod makes everything in the game look vibrant, from the color of the leaves to nighttime sky. This graphic mod on the PS4 features its own lighting so you don’t need any additional lighting mod. It also improves the level of detail of every object in the game, from nearby buildings to my player’s armor set.
Which Skyrim PS4 mods did you like?
This carefully selected list of some of the best mods on Skyrim PS4 will help you get the most out of your game. These Skyrim special edition mods add a ton of replayability to the game.
If you’re interested in more Skyrim SE mods on PS4, then do let me know in the comments below. I will be making separate lists of different PS4 Skyrim mods in the future and I’d love your suggestions.
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