On this PAGE, you will find Blackview Smartphone Stock ROM Firmware,download file without a password and if protected the pass code will be given below the downloading link,we keep adding,stay tuned
Always request for firmware,Dead link issues and your experience using the comment box and don't forget to update us if you can't download the firmware.
This firmwares solve issues like
This firmwares solve issues like
-Calibration/Touch pad not working after flashing
-Deadboot issues
-Unlocking issues
-Monkey Virus issues
1st Step: Download Your Targeted Flash File/Stock Rom. Recheck Your Model & Version.4th Step: Unzip download flash firmware/Stock Rom.5th Step: Setup Usb Android Mediatek smartphone Driver.(Skip Already Install driver.)6th Step: Setup/open Mediatek smartphone Flash Tools.7th Step: Open Smartphone (SP) Flash Tool.8th Step: Load your Targeted model scatter/Document file.Then All File Auto Select .9th Step: Battery Charge minimum 50%.Its important issue for Flash.10th Step:Connect Usb Cable with Pc.11th Step: Press Flash/Download/Upgrade Button.12th Step: Reconnect Battery.13 Step: Press Volume – or Boot key & inset usb Cable.14th Step: Wait 3-8 Minute For Flash Done
Blackview A7 v7.0
Blackview A9 v7.0
Blackview A9 Pro v7.0
Blackview Breeze v5.0 Lollipop
Blackview BV7000 v6.0
Blackview R6 v6.0
Blackview R6 Lite v7.0
Blackview R6s v7.0