Prerequisites for Installing Rom on ZTE Blade S6
Download and install QPST 2.7.422 with QFILDownload and install Qualcomm USB Drivers.
How To Flash Rom On ZTE Blade S6
Download and install QPST 2.7.422 with QFIL and Qualcomm USB Driver ZTE Blade S6
Turn off the phone. Hold Vol+ button and plug-in USB Cable. Phone will vibrate one time, screen wil be black. This is DownloadMode.
There should be device called in device management:
Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COMXX)
In any other case u have to install drivers manually.
Click Browse… in Programmer Path and choose prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn
Load XML in Download Section:
First select RawProgram File: rawprogram0.xml
then Select Patch File: patch0.xml
Check all inputs is correct and click Download under Load XML button and wait about 5 to 10 minutes.
Good work! I need qfil file Not SD file